Friday, December 31, 2021

An Attitude of Gratitude

The end of the year can elicit mixed emotions in us. As we reflect in the good, the bad, and the ugly the past twelve months brought about, our natural tendency is to focus on one of those aspects more than the other – depending largely on our personality type or on how good the good was or how ugly the bad.

So how about making a conscious decision to end this year and begin the upcoming one focused on God’s goodness rather than bad memories or painful experiences? Circumstances may easily change from one day to the other, and such knowledge can produce in us an attitude of fear or pessimism. However, an attitude of gratitude can transform our outlook, mood, and mindset. What better way to start the new year?

This time, let us choose to remember that God’s love and faithfulness are not altered by life’s events and that –  no matter what it may bring –  we can always trust, rely on, and find comfort in the One who never changes (Hebrews 13:8). Who wouldn’t be thankful for that?

I pray next year will be blessed, characterized by and attitude of gratitude in us.

Happy New Year,


P.S. Check out my latest video on my Facebook page! 

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